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martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

Salpicon Palmaseca Champion of the IX INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT OF ROOSTERS, CALI - 2013

Pic taken by: Christian Escobar Mora
You can watch some videos of this great event here

From my point of view, the best of this international event is that the first place was  discussed by 7 strings to define the tournament, among whom were: La Selva - ASOGAL (Hnos Abadía, COL - Guarcarí), Salpicón Palmaseca (Andres Arroyo, Palmaseca ), Teleplast (Pablo Rico, COL - Cali), Caucaseco RR (Franco Melo, COL - Candelaria), Chinauta (Jairo Alarcon, COL - Fusagasuga), Maria Paz (Arturo Mogollon, COL - Barranquilla) and Tito - Martin (Martin Peralta Dominican Rep) thanks for the final results of the IXINTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT OF ROOSTERS, CALI - 2013 information provided by Mr. Freisy Navarro, although the fight that caught my attention from the event, took place between Bolo (Edgar Homes, COL-Palmira) and Fondo Victoria (David Salvatierra, Peru) where in just under 2 minutes the cock of Edgar Homes after being shot in the void kills its opponent nailing spurs into its head, but the wound he had received before and after having beaten his enemy on the ground ... collapses on the floor after about  4 secs  and becomes a tie fight. which is applauded despite its short duration. Picture of the fight:

Pic taken by: Christian Escobar Mora

Returning to the issue of the definition of the top rope Maria Paz (Mr. Arturo Mogollon ), had the opportunity to win the title of champion of the IX INTERNATIONAL TOURNAMENT OF ROOSTERS, CALI - 2013 with a draw or obviously winning his fight, but the cricket cock of Mr. David Salvatierra wins the fight after 5 mins and so the rope Salpicón Palmaseca (Andres Arroyo) wins the tournament and gets the title of champion.

You can watch some videos of this great event here

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